Hey ictcoder....what did you use for the Pool URL? And....is your synch done and working yet?
Download the official GUI pool miner for CPU mining, this doesn't need syncing.
downloads.electroneum.com/Electroneum_Pool_Miner_v1.2_setup.exeIf you have a CLI wallet then you should have the CLI direct miner which will sync (https://github.com/electroneum/electroneum/releases/download/v0.11.0.0/win-x64-
If you mine to your on-line wallet then no CLI direct miner is needed.
put a pool URL to the GUI pool miner URL field:
stratum+tcp://<pool URL>:<gate number>
for example this works for me
put your wallet address to the "Your ETN wallet address" field of the GUI pool miner, select number of threads and press start mining.
If you have a good GPU then you could use Awesome Miner to mine with your GPU.
Download it from here
www.awesomeminer.com/download/setup/AwesomeMiner.msiThe setup is a bit more complicated, you can find videos on youtube to help you or you can ask here again for help
Hi there I am using the same pool url as you but when I put my etn wallet address on the spacepools website to check activity
it says 'address not found'. I have been using this wallet ok since day one on the Electroneum Pool Miner v1.1 beta.
With the v1.2 beta version the miner seems to be trying to work but hash rate and share fields remain empty. Am I missing something ?